Our Ultimate Values
are Grace & Truth

Learn more about how Bethany connects students like yours to God’s grace and truth every day.
Will my child stay close to God during college?
It might be the heaviest question on a parent’s heart when sending a child to college.
It’s not an unfounded concern. The statistics are heavy. Most young adults between the ages of 18-22 stop attending church or drift away from their faith. Studies vary, but the percentage of college students who stop attending church regularly falls between 60-80%. Disconnected from God’s Word, these students slowly lose their faith.

Bethany's Mission
Bethany Lutheran College’s mission is to provide Christian higher education in a challenging academic environment where personal mentoring guides students to pursue knowledge, truth, and discernment for productive and fulfilling lives.
TRUTH: Sharing God's Word
Since 1927, Bethany has been sharing the truth of God’s Word, the “One Thing Needful,” with its students every day.
GRACE: Sharing God's Love
Bethany keeps its students close to God’s grace and prepares them for a lifelong relationship with Him.
Grace & Truth in Action
“Faith comes from hearing the message and the message is heard through the Word of Christ,” (Romans 10:17).
The Power of God’s Word
Bethany surrounds its students with the grace and truth of GOD’S WORD through daily chapel, weekly vespers, small group Bible studies, religion courses, and more.
Personal Mentoring
Our faculty is committed to PERSONAL MENTORING, nurturing our students one-on-one in their God-given abilities and unique needs.
Christian Environment
Our standards of conduct, residential dorm life, and student policies are built on the truths of God’s Word. The resulting ENVIRONMENT is uniquely Christian.
Grace & Truth for Life
“I am most thankful for the guidance and strengthening of my faith while at Bethany. My classes held the standard of God’s truth in their content, the chapel and vespers services offered were priceless and helped me focus on the “One Thing Needful” then and still today…Bethany cares for each student’s faith life and their quality of life following their time at college.”
“Bethany provided me with the liberal arts education and the critical and analytic thinking skills required of a career as broad as the Army Infantry. The Christian education that I received has provided me with a firm moral base on which I can handle any situation.”
Bethany is here to help.
Choosing a college is one of the biggest decisions your child will make. Connect to a Bethany Admissions Counselor today. We’re here to help.
Next Steps
Interested in studying at Bethany? Scheduling a campus visit is a great way to see what we have to offer. You can meet professors or sit in on a class too! Contact our admissions office to learn more.